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Teeth Whitening in Barrie

Your smile is one of the first things people notice about you. If, for some reason, like stained teeth, you cannot smile, then it is important to think about the right treatment to restore your lost confidence. Teeth whitening is a common and simple way to improve the appearance of your smile. At Westowne Dental Centre in Barrie, we have a number of products and techniques available to help you achieve a brighter and whiter smile.

Tooth discolouration can be treated, and our team in Barrie, having an experience of over 25 years will guide you toward the right treatment plan based on the condition of your teeth. Teeth whitening helps in removing persistent stains and restores the natural colour. Not only does it boost your confidence, but it also works as an anti-aging procedure. Visit Westowne Dental Centre for professional teeth whitening services in Barrie.


One should know that no one’s teeth are naturally perfectly white; however, if your teeth look way duller than they used to be, there could be many reasons. Essentially, there are three types of tooth discolouration.

  • Extrinsic: Here, the stains only affect the tooth enamel and the surface of the tooth. Common causes of extrinsic stains are food, beverages, tobacco and poor dental hygiene.
  • Intrinsic: This type of tooth discolouration happens when the internal structure of the tooth-dentin starts to darken or develops a yellow hue. It could happen due to exposure to fluoride during childhood, certain medications and treatments.
  • Poor oral hygiene: Improper oral hygiene practices can also lead to tooth discoloration. Inadequate brushing, flossing, and irregular dental visits allow plaque and tartar to build up on the teeth, resulting in a yellowish appearance. Plaque, a sticky film containing bacteria, can produce acids that wear away the enamel and contribute to discoloration.
  • Age-related: It is normal for your teeth to wear with age and cause them to appear yellow. Over time, the enamel layer thins, revealing the underlying dentin, which is naturally yellowish in colour. As a result, teeth tend to appear more yellow or dull with age.

At Westowne Dental Centre in Barrie, we understand that tooth discolouration can cause big embarrassment, especially when you are around people. If stained teeth aren’t allowing you to smile beautifully, make an appointment with us for the right treatment. We also welcome new patients.

Types of Teeth Whitening Options

We understand your time is valuable. This is why we have come up with various methods which take less time but give effective results. Here are different types of options:


During your appointment, a professional at Westowne Dental Center will apply a whitening agent to the surface of your teeth. The entire visit generally takes about 40 minutes, and you will be able to see results immediately.


During your visit, you will receive custom-fitted trays to take home. Simply place the whitening gel in your trays, and as the peroxide in the gel breaks down, hydroxyradicals will whiten stained teeth. Whitening generally takes 10 to 14 days, although you may see results in as little as 3 to 5 days.


There are many over-the-counter teeth whitening options, including teeth whitening strips that use a thin film of hydrogen peroxide pressed across your teeth. Even though they are readily available at drug stores, it’s best to consult with Drs. Di Santo before use.


Paint-on whiteners are cheaper but less effective than whitening strips or professional options. A gel is applied to the teeth using a small brush, which hardens into a film that coats the teeth and dissolves in the mouth.


The cheapest options are whitening toothpaste and mouthwashes, which can remove surface stains using mild abrasives without actually lightening the shade of the tooth.


Many people try home remedies to whiten their teeth, but it takes consistent efforts and a long time to see the average results. However, if you take professional help, you will get amazing benefits as listed below.

Better dental hygiene

You take oral care seriously once you get white teeth with professional help. For lasting effect, you follow a healthy regime of brushing, flossing and mouthwash.

Cost-effective treatment

Once you get your teeth whitening done, it lasts for a long time. Such professional treatments save you from wasting time on home remedies that give average results and don’t last long.

Fight germs

Teeth whitening treatment removes stubborn stains, plaque and tartar build-up from teeth, protecting your teeth from tooth decay and infections.

Beautiful smile

With professional teeth whitening treatment, feel young, beautiful, and confident to smile. Replace your stained teeth with a bright smile and boost your self-esteem.


The primary issue with simple home remedies is that they don’t last long and take a lot of time to show results. Professional services can give you long-lasting white teeth for four years.


Are you new to teeth whitening? We understand you might have lots of questions in your mind. We have answered the most frequently asked questions below.

Who Can Do Teeth Whitening?

If your gums and teeth are healthy, you can do teeth whitening to remove stains from your teeth and enjoy a bright smile.

Does Teeth Whitening Cause Harm to Teeth?

No, professional teeth whitening treatment does not cause any harm to your teeth, you may feel temporary sensitivity for a few days, but it is normal.

How Often Can I Do Teeth Whitening?

It depends on your dental health, but professionals recommend teeth whitening after 5-6 months to avoid tooth sensitivity and damage.

Can Teeth Whitening Last Forever?

Unfortunately, no. The teeth whitening treatment can last 4- 7 years, depending on your oral care routine. Make sure to brush twice a day and avoid food or beverages that leave stains on your teeth.


To find out the types of teeth whitening options right for you, contact our team to schedule an appointment. In addition to teeth whitening services in Barrie, we also offer cosmetic dental services to help you achieve a beautiful smile.

Don’t Hide Your Smile!

Restore your dazzling smile through teeth whitening and fix other dental issues only at Westowne Dental Center. Click now to schedule an appointment!

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